
What is Kappa Psi by Brother Nelson Chu

Kappa Psi is the oldest pharmaceutical fraternity

And is the best throughout eternity

Due to having endless opportunities

Even when you don’t reach for infinity


Brotherhood is built through this process

Like when we were in elementary school at recess

Although we do not get much press

We definitely are the best


Passion is instilled in our hearts

Like someone throwing a dart

Learning more and growing is the best part

Where we may look back at the battles fought


Leaders are created in this bunch

Ideas are tossed around during lunch

While stomachs are also fed at brunch

But never forget about dealing the final punch


We are also pretty intelligent

Ruling over academics and organizations in abundance

But do not stick our nose up like elephants

Even when we are truly triumphant


Professionalism is in our blood

We definitely soar high like a dove

Always aim goals beyond and above

Kappa psi, is what we all love.