Hello, my name is Joshua Ranario and I am a current P2 student at CNUCOP. Some of my hobbies include spending time with friends and family and practicing photography, videography, and graphic design. I love traveling and seeing new sights as well as trying different foods. I chose to go into pharmacy because I want to become part of a team that is able to help give back to the community through the use of medical knowledge and contribute to major innovations in medication therapy.

I chose to join Kappa Psi because all the Brothers showed me how much they have grown because of joining. One Brother, in particular, told me during the Info Night Rush that if you want to grow and become a leader, if you want to strive and become more, surround yourself with the people you want to become. I realized that the Brothers of Kappa Psi were incredibly active on campus in their many leadership positions and they all radiated confidence– which is why I chose to surround myself with them and join the Brotherhood.

My advice to the incoming P1 class is to be open-minded and to stay on top of their academics. Don't close off any pharmacy pathway just because you came in already with a specific goal or mindset, try new things and see what else is out there because you might just find something else in pharmacy that you enjoy much more.